PACECO GROUP and JALVASUB Engineering are investing joint efforts in R&D to introduce this disruptive and sustainable technology into the cargo handling industry. Our common aim is that, for the first time, hybrid RTG-Transtainer® cranes shall be retrofitted and propelled in a totally ecological way through zero emission of CO2, GHG gases and polluting particles. Power generation based on renewable hydrogen is more efficient, cleaner, does not generate pollutant emissions into the atmosphere, and benefits of a green fuel that is most essential for ports decarbonization.
e-H2 RTG
We are working on a prototype of an RTG crane manufactured by PACECO, with an electricity generation system (HYCOGEN-HFCT), based on the innovative technology of a highly efficient ULPHE-PEM fuel cell, reducing its carbon footprint and zero emissions of CO2, GHG gases and polluting particles.
The existing RTG cranes are currently electrically powered by a 415 KVA diesel-generator set that burns diesel fuel to power the various electric motors that are part of the crane. The e-H2 RTG Project will allow us to replace the Diesel-Generator Set by two independent ULPHE-PEM fuel cell groups of 150 KW each, powered by Hydrogen stored in pressurized tanks. Each group will include buffer batteries to be able to respond instantaneously to peak power demands, which will be recharged from the battery itself. But, at the same time, taking advantage of the regenerative energy recovered during the operation of the crane when lowering the containers and during braking as it moves through the terminal.
The advantages of this type of installation are:
1) The two independent fuel cell groups will provide greater redundancy against system failures and great flexibility in crane operation.
2) High efficiency. ULPHE-PEM fuel cells achieve an efficiency of more than 60%, which is quite high compared to the efficiency obtained with current renewable energy sources and much higher than that obtained from combustion in diesel engines.
3) Very low range of noise pollution, as fuel cells have no moving parts and the installation produces hardly any noise.
4) Lower cost of the cells than those existing on the market due to the use of a very low quantity of Platinum as a catalyst, in accordance with a process patented by the Fluid Physics Laboratory of the UNED.
5) Batteries with less weight and volume than those currently existing, for the same power output.
6) Low emission of pollutants during operation and zero emission of CO2 into the atmosphere: the reaction that takes place in the fuel cell produces electricity, heat and water, with the generation of water being the main waste of a polymer fuel cell.