Container Crane Design & Manufacturing

Over 60 years expertise

endorsing the most trustful

and solid

Quay and Yard Cranes

in the market


STS Portainer®


Key element to Ship to Shore operations. Speed, accuracy and power of control guarantee an optimum container handling performance.

We accommodate to the Container Handling Equipment Market and its demands for increasing container vessels sizes and volumes: high productivity through the use of a higher lifting capacity as well as an increased trolley speed, good visibility through wide windows, good response by AC control drive and high rigidity portal frame. Moreover, the type and size of the suitable STS Portainer® are determined by the features of the largest ship expected to dock under the crane and the dock features where the rail track is located in relation to high and low tides so the highest crane performance and reliability might be reached.

RTG Transtainer®


Core element to Yard Container Handling Operations within a Terminal are the Transtainer Cranes and especially the RTG Transtainer®. Port productivity improvement alongside with low maintenance requirements for higher crane availability are outstanding features of this type of Cranes

Tailoring your needs

Our Transtainer® designs provide different options for geometry, wheel arrangements and feeding systems to suit your Terminal needs. Mechanics have also progressed and the industry has evolved to a pyramidal reeving for smoother operation and a more flexible design to have 4, 8 or 16 wheels per corner in order to suit with the bearing capacity of most of the terminal yards.

Caring for your Profit

A reduced Cost of Ownership is the key driver for our Transtainer® design. With an efficient energy use, high availability and high maintainability together with its outstanding performance, it is the best choice when it comes to making profit in every move.

Ready for Automation

Our Transtainer® structural design, reeving and micromotions concepts as well as the electronic and control platform are some of the aspects that have been developed thinking of automation. A complete plug-in automation package is available to convert the Transtainer® into an automatic RTG at any time.

Driver at the Top

The structural stability of the Transtainer®, the rope reeving stiffness, the accessibility and cabin ergonomics are some of the new features that will provide your drivers with the best working environment.

Flexible RTG Power Source Range

Walk with us the path towards future

Zero Emissions:

our response to the Ecological


and Decarbonization of the Port Industry

PACECO Group (PACECO) and Mitsui E&S Machinery (MES-M) have always advocated for emission reduction and released a hybrid RTG already in 2009, with a smaller diesel engine and adding lithium-ion batteries for additional power. Over 270 PACECO-Mitsui Hybrid Transtainer® RTGs are in use today at Ports around the world. Recently, PACECO and MES-M have gone a step further in their ongoing commitment to sustainability and launched the NZE Transtainer® RTG, a near zero emission crane with a small diesel engine that will be easily able to be replaced by a zero-emission Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Module in a near future.

Conventional RTG

Simple and reliable technology, less components and spare parts and reduction of failure incidence and stopping times.

Hybrid RTG Battery

Carbon Dioxide Emission reduction up to 60%, fuel savings up to 60% and annual running costs reduction up to 40%.

NZE (Near Zero Emission)

CO2, NOx and PM particle emission reduction up to 60%-70%, fuel consumption reduction up to 70% and low-cost conversion of NZE (Near Zero Emission) Transtainer to a ZE (Zero Emission).

ZE (Zero Emission)

Cero CO2, NOx and PM particle emission, fuel consumption elimination and low-cost conversion path.

Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes

Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes

The RMG Transtainer® crane is similar to the RTG Transtainer®. This type of crane has significantly improved, mainly with respect to its geometry. The high density load centers requiring maximum land usage and quick transfers can make a profitable investment on a wide span (25 up to 60m), RTG Transtainer®, either with or without cantilevers. Also, the RMG Transtainer® crane lends itself ideally for automation.

Current projects

Mitsui E&S Machinery Co., Ltd. (MES-M) and PACECO® Corp. (PACECO) involved in a local production and consumption hydrogen model at the PORT OF LA, U.S.A. aiming for the transition to
Project to demonstrate a local production and consumption hydrogen model at the PORT OF LA, U.S.A. aiming for the transition to Fuel Cell of port cargo handling machinery and dredge
PACECO GROUP achieves a new milestone on the path towards port decarbonization. Thanks to the delivery of four state-of-the-art NZE (Near-Zero Emission) cranes, NYK Line and UNI-X NCT Corporation (UNI-X)

Características STS Portainer®

Las grúas de muelle para manipulación de contenedores de PACECO, conocidas como grúas Portainer®, realizan el trabajo vital de cargar y descargar contenedores de carga o buques portacontenedores. Los diseños de las grúas Portainer® de PACECO incluyen más de 60 años de ingeniería de grúas Ship-to-Shore, lo que ha dado como resultado una grúa de contenedores de alta calidad y peso ligero. Además resulta fiable, de fácil mantenimiento y alcanza una alta productividad. Los licenciatarios de PACECO Corp han fabricado más de 600 grúas STS Portainer® dimensionadas para dar servicio a buques de tipo Malaccamax.

Portainer® Malaccamax

Dimensiones principales (m)
Alcance 60-72 m
Altura bajo spreader 42-54 m
Rail span hasta 30.48 m

Carga nominal
60T – 70T (bajo spreader)

20-40-45 ft / twin twenty

Velocidades (m/min)
Elevación principal 90 to 180 m/min
Carro 210 to 240 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Super-Post-Panamax

Dimensiones principales (m)
Alcance 48-60 m
Altura bajo spreader 35-42 m
Rail span 15, 24-30, 48 m

Carga nominal
50T – 70T (bajo spreader)

20-40-45 ft / twin twenty

Velocidades (m/min)
Elevación principal 90 to 180 m/min
Carro 210 to 240 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Post-Panamax

Dimensiones principales (m)
Alcance 42-48 m
Altura bajo spreader 30-35 m
Rail span 15, 24-30, 48 m


Carga nominal
40T – 60T (bajo spreader)

20-40-45 ft

Velocidades (m/min)
Alcance 75 to 150 m/min
Carro 180 to 210 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Panamax

Dimensiones principales (m)
Alcance 30-42 m
Altura bajo spreader 20-30 m
Rail span 15, 24-23 m

Arga nominal
30T – 45T (under spreader)

20-40-45 ft

Velocidades (m/min)
Elevación principal 60 to 120 m/min
Carro 150 to 180 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Feeder

Dimensiones principales (m)
Alcance 21-30 m
Altura bajo spreader 15-25 m
Rail span 15,24 m

Carga nominal
30T – 40T (under spreader)

20-40-45 ft

Velocidades (m/min)
Elevación principal 60/120 m/min
Carro 150 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Características RTG Transtainer®

Nuestras grúas RTG Transtainer® combinan el sólido diseño estructural que proporciona un comportamiento firme, con las tecnologías más avanzadas en cuanto a optimización de la manipulación y seguridad. Proporcionamos soluciones de automatización y las últimas tendencias y desarrollos en diseño respetuoso con el medio ambiente y la reducción de las emisiones de CO2, como la electrificación y la hibridación.

La nueva TRANSTAINER® Híbrida reduce las emisiones de dióxido de carbono hasta un 60% y ahorra hasta un 60% de combustible diésel gracias a las siguientes tecnologías:

  • La batería de gran capacidad (de iones de litio) permite la reutilización efectiva de la energía regenerada almacenada, lo que reduce el tamaño del motor diésel.

  • El sistema de control variable de velocidad del motor controla la velocidad del motor para optimizarlo de cara a las condiciones de funcionamiento: como resultado, se obtiene un ahorro de combustible.

Con un motor reducido, el mantenimiento de la Transtainer® Híbrida es más rentable que el de un motor diesel convencional. Con el ahorro añadido del consumo de combustible, la Transtainer® Híbrida reduce los costes anuales de funcionamiento hasta un 40%.
La Transtainer® Híbrida mantiene el funcionamiento flexible convencional en los desplazamientos transversales. Además, en caso de problemas con el motor, la batería de gran capacidad ayuda a mantener ciertas operaciones (por ejemplo, el regreso al taller de mantenimiento). Los daños en toda la operación de la terminal siguen siendo mínimos.

En 2021 se lanzó al mercado la innovadora NZE (Near Zero Emission) RTG Transtainer®. El NZE Transtainer® es una versión actualizada de la ya consolidada Transtainer® Híbrida de PACECO-Mitsui, introducida por primera vez en el mercado en 2009. La NZE Transtainer® cuenta con baterías de iones de litio más grandes y un grupo electrógeno más pequeño diseñado con una función de arranque/parada que funciona principalmente para recargar el banco de baterías. El sistema de alimentación híbrido está totalmente integrado en la grúa con tecnologías desarrolladas internamente para impulsar la eficiencia de la grúa y lograr una estrecha interacción con ella.

RTG Gama de fuentes de alimentación

RTG convencional

Se basa en una tecnología sencilla y fiable que requiere menos componentes y tecnología de maquinaria, así como menos piezas de repuesto. Todo ello repercute positivamente en la reducción de la incidencia de fallos y de los tiempos de parada.

Batería RTG híbrida

Una destacable reducción de hasta el 60% de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y hasta el 60% de ahorro de combustible diésel utilizando una batería de gran capacidad (Li-Ion) que permite la reutilización efectiva de la energía regenerada almacenada, lo que reduce el tamaño del motor diésel.
Un sistema variable de control de velocidad del motor controla la velocidad del motor para optimizarla respecto a las condiciones de funcionamiento: como resultado, se obtiene un ahorro de combustible. Con un motor reducido, el mantenimiento de la Transtainer® Híbrida es más rentable, requiere menos trabajos y ciclos de mantenimiento que un motor diesel convencional, a la vez que reduce significativamente el nivel de ruido. Con el ahorro añadido en el consumo de combustible, la Transtainer® híbrida reduce los costes anuales de funcionamiento hasta un 40%. La Transtainer® Híbrida mantiene el funcionamiento flexible convencional en los desplazamientos transversales. Además, en caso de problemas con el motor, la batería de gran capacidad ayuda a mantener ciertas operaciones (por ejemplo, el traslado al taller de mantenimiento).



NZE (Near Zero Emission)

Una versión actualizada de la ya consolidada Transtainer® Híbrida de PACECO-Mitsui. Cuenta con un banco de baterías de iones de litio de mayor capacidad y un grupo electrógeno de motor reducido diseñado con una función de arranque/parada que funciona principalmente para recargar el banco de baterías.

El sistema de alimentación híbrido está totalmente integrado en la grúa con tecnologías desarrolladas internamente para impulsar la eficiencia de la grúa y lograr una estrecha interacción con ella. Las emisiones de CO2, NOx y partículas PM se reducen hasta un 60%-70% y el consumo de combustible hasta un 70%. Otras mejoras en los costes de mantenimiento y la disminución del ruido contribuyen a un concepto de RTG aún más eficiente y sostenible.

Tiene el mismo rendimiento de velocidad que la RTG híbrida.

Gran autonomía de la grúa RTG: no necesita enrollador de cable ni Bus Bar y no requiere de obra civil.

Nuestra grúa NZE (Near Zero Emission) pretende ser la precursora de las tecnologías de cero emisiones, como los módulos de potencia de pila de combustible de hidrógeno para las Transtainers® ZE. Las tecnologías NZE permitirán a nuestros clientes invertir ahora con Transtainers® de bajas emisiones y permitir fácilmente la conversión de bajo coste de una Transtainer® NZE (Near Zero Emission) a una Transtainer® ZE (Zero Emission) simplemente sustituyendo el generador diesel por un módulo de potencia de pila de combustible de hidrógeno sin modificar otros sistemas de accionamiento o partes mecánicas.

ZE (Cero Emisiones)

La grúa RTG Transtainer® más sostenible y autónoma está previsto que finalice sus pruebas internas en marzo de 2023. La propulsión de la grúa RTG ZE (Cero emisiones) se producirá mediante un paquete de energía de pila de combustible de alto rendimiento, gracias al cual se alcanzará una emisión nula de CO2, NOx y partículas PM y se eliminará por completo el consumo de combustible. Los costes de mantenimiento se reducirán de nuevo. Se garantizará una ruta de conversión de bajo coste gracias a un fácil cambio del grupo electrógeno diésel por una pila de combustible, sin necesidad de sustituir otras piezas o el sistema eléctrico.

Alta autonomía de la grúa RTG: sin necesidad de enrollador de cable o Bus Bar y sin necesidad de obra civil.


Paceco Momentum & Paceco Poseidon

C/ Alcalá, 79 – 1º B 28009
Madrid, Spain

Contact information


Paceco Momentum & Paceco Poseidon

C/ Alcalá, 79 – 1º B 28009
Madrid, Spain

Contact information

STS Portainer® Features

PACECO´s dockside container handling crane, known as Portainer® crane, perform the vital work of loading and unloading cargo containers or containerships. PACECO Portainer® crane designs have incorporated more than 60 years of engineering ship-to-shore cranes resulting in a high quality, light weight container crane that is reliable, easy to maintain, and achieving high productivity. PACECO Corp´s licensees have manufactured more than 600 STS Portainer® cranes sized to service Malaccamax vessels.

Portainer® Malaccamax

Main dimensions (m)
Outreach 60-72 m
Height under spreader 42-54 m
Rail span up to 30.48 m

Rated load
60T – 70T (under spreader)

20-40-45 ft / twin twenty

Speeds (m/min)
Main Hoist 90 to 180 m/min
Trolley travel 210 to 240 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Super-Post-Panamax

Main dimensions (m)
Outreach 48-60 m
Height under spreader 35-42 m
Rail span 15, 24-30, 48 m

Rated load
50T – 70T (under spreader)

20-40-45 ft / twin twenty

Speeds (m/min)
Main Hoist 90 to 180 m/min
Trolley travel 210 to 240 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Post-Panamax

Main dimensions (m)
Outreach 42-48 m
Height under spreader 30-35 m
Rail span 15, 24-30, 48 m

Rated load
40T – 60T (under spreader)

20-40-45 ft

Speeds (m/min)
Main Hoist 75 to 150 m/min
Trolley travel 180 to 210 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Panamax

Main dimensions (m)
Outreach 30-42 m
Height under spreader 20-30 m
Rail span 15, 24-23 m

Rated load
30T – 45T (under spreader)

20-40-45 ft

Speeds (m/min)
Main Hoist 60 to 120 m/min
Trolley travel 150 to 180 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

Portainer® Feeder

Main dimensions (m)
Outreach 21-30 m
Height under spreader 15-25 m
Rail span 15,24 m

Rated load
30T – 40T (under spreader)

20-40-45 ft

Speeds (m/min)
Main Hoist 60/120 m/min
Trolley travel 150 m/min
Gantry drive 45 m/min

RTG Transtainer® Features

Our RTG Transtainer® cranes combine the sound structural design that provides a firm behavior with the state-of-the-art technologies regarding handling optimization and safety. We provide Automation solutions and the latest trends and developments in environmentally friendly design and CO2-emissions reduction such as Electrification and Hybridization.

The new Hybrid TRANSTAINER® reduces carbon dioxide emissions up to 60% and saves up to 60% of diesel fuel using the following technologies:

-Large Capacity Battery (Li-Ion) enables effective reuse of stored regenerated power, which downsizes the diesel engine.

-Variable Engine Speed Control system controls engine speed to optimize with operating conditions: as a result you obtain fuel saving.

With a reduced engine, the Hybrid TRANSTAINER® maintenance is more cost effective than that of a conventional diesel engine. With the added savings of fuel consumption, the Hybrid TRANSTAINER® reduces annual running costs up to 40%.

The Hybrid TRANSTAINER® keeps the conventional flexible operation in cross-traveling. In addition, in the case on engine problems, the large capacity battery helps to keep certain operations (ex. moving back to maintenance shop). Damage to the entire terminal operation remains minimized.

In 2021 the innovative NZE (Near Zero Emission) RTG Transtainer® has been released into the market. The NZE Transtainer is an updated version of the PACECO-Mitsui well established hybrid Transtainer, first introduced to the market in 2009. The NZE Transtainer features larger lithium-ion batteries and smaller engine genset designed with a start/stop feature to primarily operate to recharge the battery bank. The hybrid power system is fully integrated into the crane with internally developed
technologies to drive crane efficiencies and achieve tight interaction with the crane.

RTG Power source range

Conventional RTG

Based upon a simple and reliable technology that requires less components and machine technology as well as fewer spare parts. All this has a positive impact on the reduction of failure incidence and stopping times.

Hybrid RTG Battery

An outstanding up to 60% carbon dioxide emissions reduction and up to 60% of diesel fuel saving using a large Capacity Battery (Li-Ion) that enables effective reuse of stored regenerated power, which downsizes the diesel engine.

A variable Engine Speed Control system controls the engine speed to optimize with operating conditions: as a result, you obtain fuel saving. With a reduced engine, the Hybrid TRANSTAINER® maintenance is more cost-effective, requires less maintenance works and maintenance cycles than a conventional diesel engine while significantly lowering the noise level. With the added savings on fuel consumption, the Hybrid TRANSTAINER® reduces annual running costs up to 40%.
The Hybrid TRANSTAINER® keeps the conventional flexible operation in cross-traveling. In addition, in the case of engine problems, the large capacity battery helps to keep certain operations (ex. moving back to maintenance shop).


NZE (Near Zero Emission)

An updated version of the PACECO-Mitsui well established hybrid Transtainer. Featuring a larger capacity lithium-ion battery bank and a reduced engine genset designed with a start/stop feature to primarily operate to recharge the battery bank. The hybrid power system is fully integrated into the crane with internally developed technologies to drive crane efficiencies and achieve tight interaction with the crane. CO2, NOx and PM particle emission are reduced up to 60%-70% and fuel consumption up to 70%. Further improvements in maintenance costs and noise decrease contribute to an even more efficient and sustainable RTG concept.

Same crane speed performance as Hybrid RTG.

Remarkable high RTG Crane Autonomy: No need for cable reel or bus bar and no civil works required.

Our NZE (Near Zero Emission) crane intends to be the forerunner for zero emission technologies such as hydrogen fuel cell power modules for ZE Transtainers. NZE technologies will allow our customers to invest now with low emission Transtainers and easily enable the low-cost conversion of NZE (Near Zero Emission) Transtainer to a ZE (Zero Emission) Transtainer by simply replacing the diesel generator with a hydrogen fuel cell power module without modification of other drive systems or mechanical parts.

ZE (Zero Emission)

The most sustainable and autonomous RTG Transtainer® crane is planned to complete in-house testing by March 2023. The propulsion of the ZE (Zero emission) RTG crane will occur by a high performance Fuel Cell Power Pack thanks to which Cero CO2, NOx and PM particle emission will be reached and fuel consumption utterly eliminated. Maintenance costs will again be reduced.

A Low-cost conversion path will be guaranteed thanks to an easy Diesel Genset swap by a Fuel Cell, with no need for other parts or electric system replacement.

High RTG Crane Autonomy: No need for cable reel or bus bar and no civil works required.